You’re the customer. YOU know how a business succeeds – offer top quality, a great price, then back it up. That’s what we do.
And guess what? We don’t run expensive media campaigns or spend big money on advertising. Yet we’ve sold more than 200 million wipes. Why the success?
Because our customers appreciate our commitment to offering them the best. That commitment builds trust. And that trust gets communicated to friends, family and coworkers. The grapevine. Our business grows because you’re happy. That’s a win-win relationship we’ll never take for granted.
So we don’t just guarantee our product. We guarantee your entire experience with our product… and we guarantee it until your box is empty.
Here’s the deal. You are our guarantee for continued success. So, if for any reason you wouldn’t enthusiastically recommend our products to the people you care for, we want to know about it.
This guarantee is transferable, inheritable and inexhaustible… until the box is empty.